Friday, May 10, 2013

Baby Chicks

Our eggs have finally hatched. It took them around 21 days to hatch into chicks and we have been waiting so patiently! We all got to take turns holding our chicks today. We had to be very careful. They are so cute!


Hi Everyone!

We've had a busy week. Yesterday we had our VIP/Grandparents day and had a great time. There were so many visitors in our classroom! Our event was themed around the "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" book. We had cookies to taste, cookie sentence bowling, word family activities, mouse puppet art and more. It was so much fun! Here are some pictures from our busy morning.

Friday, April 12, 2013

"Incredible Eggs"

During kid writing this week we worked so hard to write our own stories. We decorated large eggs with markers and glitter and worked our very hardest :) We wrote stories all about these "incredible" eggs. Check out some of our great designs and stories!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Literacy Stations

We are really loving our new set of literacy stations! Some of our stations include:

 ~Making tissue paper rainbows
 ~Listening to tumblebooks
 ~Adding dice together and playing a roll and cover game with our partner
 ~Cooking up star words
~Making different ramps to see which one makes our car go the fastest
~Creating our own wind to see which things move
~Our big book "Peanut Butter and Jelly"

Here are some pictures of us hard at work on our stations :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Our Class Leprechaun Visit

On Friday we made hats in case the leprechauns visited our classroom over the weekend. When we got back to school on Monday we found out that they did visit our classroom and something was changed! Our hats were all shriveled up and much smaller. We decided that the leprechauns must have tried on their hats and gotten stuck underneath because the hats were too big. Then they shrunk and shriveled up our hats so that they could get out. In all of the confusion they left some of their gold behind. We all got to take a piece home. We were so excited! Here are some pictures of us with our hats before and after the leprechauns came!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hartland Public Library

Today we walked over to the Public Library. It was nice and sunny weather for walking. They read us a great book called shark vs. train and then we got to check out some of our own books. We had a great time! Here are some pictures of us enjoying our books.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Color Mixtures

Right now we are learning about the colors and rainbows since spring is just around the corner. Today we got to be scientists and mix colors to make our own rainbow. Everyone loved it and we made some very cool mixtures. We recorded our observations just like scientists! Here are some of the things we used and how our mixtures turned out :)