Friday, November 30, 2012

Counting Down to 2013!!

Check out the awesome project we made to help us count down to 2013!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Counting Mat Activities

During Math this week we worked with partners to show numbers 1-10, using groups of shapes and the equals and not equals sign!  Check out what we worked on!

Repeating Patterns!

During Math today we had lots of fun making our very own repeating patterns using a variety of shapes and colors!

Our First Blabberize Video!

During Shared Reading this week we have been focusing on the story titled "Do Whacky Do" by Joy Cowley! Each table determined a common favorite page in the story and had lots of fun using expression to reread this page and make a fun video at the same time to share with you! :-) Enjoy!

Collaborating with our table friends...


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Apple Family Literacy Event 2012

What a fantastic Fall Family Literacy Event to end our short week together! Thank you so much to all of the families who were able to make it to our event!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Making Great Choices!

After writing in our journals and completing our purple folders and project we can choose from a wide variety of literacy and math practice activities to engage in collaboratively with our peers!  Check out the great choices we were making!

Following Visual Directions

This past week we demonstrated our independence by following step-by-step visual directions to create our very own scarecrows!  Mrs. Atilano gave us all of the materials we would need and we were asked to follow the visual directions independently!  Wow!  We did a great job!

Apples, Apples, Apples!

In preparation for our Fall Family Literacy Event we started focusing on apples this week!  We first learned more about the life cycle of an apple tree and read many books about apples!

We made a fun Apple Pal!
He or she can dance to the following song:

Yes I am an Apple Pal,
An Apple Pal,
An Apple Pal.
Yes I am an Apple Pal,
Who grows on a tree.

We sequenced the steps to eat a yummy apple!

After Reading Ten Apples Up On Top by Theo Lisieg, we had lots of fun sequencing and patterning 10 apples on top of our own heads!!  Check out the awesome patterns we came up with: ABAB, ABBABB, ABCABC

We Are Thankful For...

Our Two Proud Turkeys display what our families are most thankful for...

Our Best Dressed Turkeys!

Thank you so much for your awesome creativity with the Best Dressed Turkey Project!! We have proudly displayed our turkeys for everyone to see!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Second Grade Reading Buddies!!

We were thrilled to find out that we would be meeting our 2nd Grade Reading Buddies from Mrs. Batchelor's class this morning!  We will meet with our buddies a few times per month and will engage in a wide variety of activities with them!  Today we enjoyed listening to them read stories to us and we even had the courage to read a few of our own stories to them!!  We had so much fun!  Enjoy a collection of photos from our time together :-)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our Second Library Trip!

We walked to the Hartland Public Library today for our second visit!  The author and illustrator featured today was Melanie Watt!  We loved learning more about her through a fantastic interview online and enjoyed hearing "Scaredy Squirrel" and "Chester".

Check out the interview with Melanie Watt here....

There is also Scaredy Squirrel website!  Check it out here...

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves

What a fun story!!  Today we enjoyed "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves"!  After reading through our story we decided we would like to be storytellers ourselves!!  We created Old Ladies to help us retell the story to you!  Check them out!

Check out these adorable YouTube videos...

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves with yoga!!!  We encourage you to try this at home!  We will try this at school tomorrow!

This one was done in another kindergarten classroom and the Old Lady is pretty funny!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pumpkin Investigation

We were very excited to open our pumpkin today that we had gotten from from Mrs. Harmann's farm back at the beginning of October!!
Before we opened our pumpkin we described our pumpkin, predicted how many lines were on the outside of the pumpkin, counted to the lines to get an actual answer, measured how tall our pumpkin was with unifix cubes, measured the circumference of our pumpkin using links and filled out most of our pumpkin reports!

We opened our pumpkin and made a prediction for how many seeds we thought were inside!  Wow!  We guessed some pretty large numbers!!

We split the seeds up among our color tables and worked collaboratively to count sets of 10 seeds into individual cups.  When we were all done we counted all of the cups of seeds by 10's and discovered our pumpkin had 498 seeds inside!!!  Wow!!!!

We had so much fun!!