Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We are Scientists!!

On Friday we became expert scientists!  We engaged in three different experiments to explore color mixing!  We first read the story Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh to discover...

blue + yellow = green
yellow + red = orange
red + blue = purple

For our first experiment we placed a blue ice cube in a cup of yellow lemonade and sure enough it turned green!!

For our second experiment we combined yellow and red playdough in our hands!  Look what happened!!  It turned orange!

For our final experiment we built a bridge out of paper towels to join a glass of red water and a glass of blue water.  Throughout the day we made observations and were able to see a tiny purple line where the two colors met!

Great scientists always record their observations...so did we!

1 comment:

  1. This sounded fun! We have used the mouse chart here at home when we tried to make orange food coloring. Cool science experiment!
